Tuesday, September 30, 2008



Hee, as my block got murder case ma, the police go round up the place with those police blue strip tape.Then when i walk under that thing, I went like, ' Omg that's freaking cool.'Its like, you don't get to see things like this everyday or cross under the police tape like those CIDs/polices in drama do ma.Went school and broadcast to anyone i know about the murder case.

Ha! In your face ying!That murder case is more interesting than your seeing a dead cat.

LMAO! My mummy almost got interviewed by the reporters, but when she was asked questions and the camera is facing her, she covered her face and ran up home. XD


不想comment, 因為不想罵人.

幼稚? 無知? 沒腦? 還是冷血?


so what if 你只是一個小孩?

如果死掉的是你的親人 (給你面子, 也給自己積點德, 我touch wood一下), 然後我在我的部落格laugh my ass off, 你的感受如何?

往生的也是別人的親人, 別人的朋友. 就算人家未必會去讀你的部落格, 不覺得醬做很缺德嗎?

What the hell happened to that little thing called respect?



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